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New technologies showcased at AGROEXPO

New technologies were showcased at the AGROEXPO International Agriculture and Livestock Fair, which is shown as Turkey's largest fair in agriculture and animal husbandry.

New technologies used in agriculture and animal husbandry were showcased at the AGROEXPO International Agriculture and Livestock Fair, which was held for the 17th time this year in Izmir with the participation of 1050 companies from 90 countries.

At the fair, where agricultural production and tracking software with agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles attracted attention, domestic technologies that are prepared to open up to the world market are also introduced.

Fatih Tan, Chairman of the Board of Orion Fuarcılık, who organizes the fair, which will close its doors on Sunday, February 6, said that the exhibitor and visitor profile of the fair has become younger and this is a pleasing development for Turkish agriculture.

Pointing out that technological transformation is now one of the main agenda items of the farmer, Tan stated that the fair has become a platform where imported technologies as well as domestic initiatives increase their assertion.


Expressing that they believed that agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles (ZIHA) received the most attention at the fair and that they believed that unmanned agricultural technologies would find a rapid development area in the near future, Tan said: "When we first started to open these fairs, we saw that products with foreign technology were 80 percent in weight. we must see that 80 percent of these are domestic products and 20 percent are imported. The agriculture 4.0 technologies sector, where we could hardly find one or two companies in the past years, is represented by more than 30 companies at our fair this year. More than 20 of these companies are Turkish entrepreneurs. "Our company has introduced the new generation tractor engine. These make us very happy. We see that the supply of domestic equipment, which was previously met with imports, has turned into 80-90% domestic materials. This situation reveals where Turkey has risen."

Çeliker Teknoloji's R&D Manager said that the use of drones in agricultural areas has just begun in Turkey, and they believe that drones will play an active role in spraying and fertilizing, as it has significant advantages over tractors.


Stating that the interest of the manufacturers in this technology is pleasing, Işık stated that many manufacturers who examined the products they developed found ZIHAs easier and more enjoyable than using tractors.


"Our product has two great features. It is not a battery powered product like other products. It is a serious problem to charge the battery in the field and maintain it throughout the year. Our product is gasoline powered and has a generator, it can generate its own electricity while flying, and in this way, it is in the air for 5 hours and 45 minutes. Many operations in the field are completed in a single take-off. There are serious problems in the licensing and licensing of these devices due to their high kilogram lifting feature. The biggest reason for this is that they are also open for use in terrorist activities. To prevent malicious use, we have a security system called 'Dron High Security System'. "Thanks to the system, the drone does not operate outside the embezzled area in any way. We have not yet seen such a security system with a black box in Turkey or in the world."



News Source:

Çeliker Teknoloji